Do crickets prefer rough or smooth environments?
The crickets will stay in the rough environments because they usually are in rough places in nature .
Background research :
crickets need?
- a place to hide
-plant decay
-meet and other organic food
-place to for them to cliam on
-place for females to lay there eggs
Interesting fact?
cricket are related to grass hoppers
Enviorment set up:
This was our expieramental set up .There is a round sheet of sand paper.
Data table: We had to collect data in some way to find out weather or not crickets like rough smooth gound
Explanation : we were trying to figure out if cricket like rough ground or smooth ground .we set up the tank for the crickets .we left the tank bottom on one side because its already smooth and on the side my group put a round piece of sand paper .My method for collecting data was to draw the tank and draw were ever the cricket went for 2mins.
Conclusion:After conducting this experiment I have come to the conclusion that crickets prefer smooth ground.I came to my conclusion because it stayed off the rough sand paper most of the time .
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